Inspired Artwork by the Sangha!
Volume ONE!
Buddha-jaya-maṅgala Gāthā - The Buddha’s Auspicious Victories
This is a comic book rendering of the Gāthā (Poem) of the Buddha’s most notable confrontations and how He overcame them. These .pdf files are for you to read or print out at your convenience. The file is set up for lanscape - print bothsides -booklet format; for your printing needs.
However, these issues are printed here at the Temple’s Dāna Hall, so if you’re in the area, feel free to grab a copy for yourself to share with others!
SquareSpace only allows for a maximun of 20KB of a file and Volume ONE’s Perfect Collection .pdf file is almost 60MB. We are working on a way of getting this to you, otherwise, you may download the 8 issues separately.
Complete Collections are available on Monk’s Google Drive and will be shared. You may print the PDFs at your convenience.
Volume TWO!
BUDDHIST COSMOLOGY has been documented and detailed by several monks INCLUDING The Buddha as well! This rich cosmology has provided an incredible source of inspiration. Of course, we should know that Vedic Brahmanism/Pre-Hinduism had a pantheon of gods, however The Buddha added his touch to the pantheon’s traits of being filled with greed, anger, and delusion.
SquareSpace only allows for a maximun of 20KB of a file and Volume ONE’s Perfect Collection .pdf file is almost 60MB. We are working on a way of getting this to you, otherwise, you may download the 8 issues separately.
Complete Collections are available on Monk’s Google Drive and will be shared. You may print the PDFs at your convenience.
Volume 3 is still under production and will be released when available.